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RIATCZ POSTER AC workshop 052017 final

RIATCZ POSTER AC workshop 052017 final
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Transcript text content of a PDF document RIATCZ_POSTER_AC workshop_052017_final.pdf:

Best Practices for Behavioural

Screening and Metabolic

Measurements on Rodents

Tuesday May 23

9.00 - 9.20


9.20 - 9.30

Badurek Sylvia and Galligioni Viola

Welcome and introduction

9.30 - 10.15

Galligioni Viola (FNUSA-ICRC)
'How to make my experiments reproducible'

10.15 - 11.00

Belaskova Silvie (FNUSA-ICRC)
'Concepts of experimental design - sample

11.00 - 11.30

Coffee break

11.30 - 12.30

Oettler Daniela (TSE Systems)
'Rodent Phenotyping'

12.30 - 13.30


13.30 - 14.30

Badurek Sylvia (VBCF)
'Overview of behaviour tests on mice: Some
ticks and tricks'

14.30 - 15.15

Galligioni Viola (FNUSA-ICRC)
'Good animals for good data'

15.15 - 16.15
Piszczek Lukasz (IMP – Research Institute
of Molecular Pathology, Vienna) and Pai

Tsung-Pin (Institute of Molecular

Biotechnology, Vienna)

'Case studies on rodent behavioural

16.15 - 16.30

Closing remarks

Dear Colleagues, It is our
pleasure to invite you to AC Workshop 2017. This Workshop gives us an opportunity to learn from each other’s
experiences, share knowledge and start or revive collaborations. We are looking forward to seeing you in Brno! Best, Sylvia Badurek, PhD pcPHENO Facility Head


Viola Galligioni, DVM PhD

Animal Center Director FNUSA-ICRC

Registration: free of charge

Please register
HERE. Contact: Marta Duchonova marta.duchonova@fnusa.cz

FNUSA-ICRC, Building B1,

6th floor,

St. Anne´s University

Hospital Brno,

Pekařská 53, Brno,

Czech Republic

RIATCZ POSTER AC workshop 052017 final

PDF file: RIATCZ_POSTER_AC workshop_052017_final.pdf


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