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Boccia Classification Rules 3rd Edition 2017

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rd Edition Jan 2017

BISFed Classification Rules – 3rd Edition, Jan 2017

Table of content

. Purpose, Eligibility and Definitions .................................................... 4
1.1 Purpose .................................................................................................. 4
1.2 Eligible Participants ................................................................................ 4
2. Athlete Evaluation ........................................................................... 5
2.1 Purpose of Classification ......................................................................... 5
2.2 Classification Personnel ........................................................................... 5
2.3 National Classifications ............................................................................ 6
2.4 International Classification at Sanctioned Competitions .............................. 6
2.5 Classification: Scheduling, Substitutions and Preparation ............................ 7
2.6 Classification: Athlete Evaluation ............................................................... 7
2.7 Classification: Athlete Evaluation Process ................................................... 9
2.8 Classification: Sport Class and Sport Class Status ....................................... 10
2.9 Classification: Notification of Sport Class and Sport Class Status ............... 13
2.10 Classification: Identity Cards ………………………………………………................ 15
2.11 Classification: Master List ................................................................... 15
2.12 Classification: Athlete Failure to attend Evaluation .................................... 16
2.13 Classification: Suspension of Athlete Evaluation ..................................... 15
2.14 Classification: Intentional Misrepresentation ............................................. 17
2.15 Classification: Failure to Attend/Misrepresentation and Consequences
for Athlete Support Personnel ................................................................. 18
2.16 Publication of Penalties …........................................................................ 18
2.17 Medical Review …………………………………………………………………………………….19
3. Protests and Appeals ....................................................................... 19
3.1 Protests .................................................................................................. 19
3.2 Parties Permitted to Make a Protest .......................................................... 20
3.3 National Federation Protest ……………................................................... 20
3.4 National Federation Protest Procedure .................................................... 21
3.5 BISFed Protest ………………………………………………….................................. 22
3.6 BISFed Protest Procedure ......................................................................... 22
3.7 Resolving a Protest: The Protest Panel …………………………………………………… 23
3.8 Provisions Where no Protest Panel Available ………………………………………….. 24
3.9 Appeals ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 24
BISFed Classification Rules – 3rd Edition, Jan 2017

3.10 Appeals Procedure ………………………………………………………………………………. 24
4. Classification and Sport Profiles ........................................................ 26
4.1 Methods of Classification ………………………………………………………………………. 26
4.2 Boccia Physical Profiles …………………………………………………………………………. 29
4.2.1 BC 1 ……….......................................................................................... 29
4.2.2 BC 2 …................................................................................................... 33
4.2.3 BC 3 …................................................................................................... 37
4.2.4 BC 4 ...................................................................................................... 38
4.2.5 BC 5 …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 43
4.2.6 Sport Class NE …………………………………………………………………………………… 48
5. Classification Personnel ……………….................................................... 49
5.1 BISFed International Classification Personnel.............................................. 49
5.2 Levels of Classifiers in BISFed …..……………................................................ 49
5.3 Responsibilities and Duties of Classification Personnel …………….................. 51
5.4 Classifiers Pathway ……….…................................................................ 53
5.5 BISFed Classifier Accreditation Process ………………………………………………….. 54
5.6 Maintaining Classifiers Accreditation ………………………………………………………. 56
5.7 BISFed Classification Workshops …………………………………………………………… 57
6. Classifiers Code of Conduct …………….………………………………………………. 57
6.1 General Principles ………………………………………………………………………………… 57
7. Classification Administration and Development ……………………………….. 60
7.1 BISFed Classification Committee ……………………………………………………………. 60
7.2 Competition Classification Administration ................................................... 60

8. Glossary ........................................................................................ 63
9. Appendix A: Assessment of Athetosis/Dystonia ………………………………… 68
10. Appendix B: Assessment of Ataxia …………………………………………………. 69
11. Certificate of Diagnosis ……………………………………………………..………….. 71
12. Consent for Classification ……………………………………………………………… 73
BISFed Classification Rules – 3rd Edition, Jan 2017

1. Purpose, Eligibility and Definitions

1.1 Purpose

Classification refers to the on-going process by which athletes are assessed
to determine the impact of their physical impairment on sport performance
and to ensure that there is fairness for all athletes within the sport.
Classification provides a structure for competition and takes place on a
Club, State, National, Regional and International level.

Classification has two important roles:

a. To determine eligibility of athletes to compete.
b. To group athletes for competition.

Every athlete wishing to compete in a Boccia event or competition must be
allocated a Sport Class and a Sport Class status in accordance with the
BISFed Classification Rules. All athletes will be assessed individually to
determine the effect of their impairment functionally and on their sporting

1.2 Eligible Participants
BISFed provides an opportunity for individuals to compete in Boccia if they

present with

A permanent severe neurological impairment in the Central Nervous
System (CNS) affecting all four limbs, including:

• spastic hypertonia,

• dystonia,

• athetosis

• ataxia
A severe locomotor dysfunction in all four limbs of NON-Cerebral origin
such as muscular skeletal disorders and limb deformities, including:

• impaired muscle power

• impaired passive range of movement

• limb deficiency
All athletes must provide medical evidence of their underlying
condition and clinical diagnosis.

Eligible participants for international competition must be 15 years or older
on the first day of January in that competition year. Exceptions are made
BISFed Classification Rules – 3rd Edition, Jan 2017

2. Athlete Evaluation

2.1 Purpose of Classification
The purpose of classification is to ensure that sporting success is a result of
Athlete's training, skill level, talent and competitive experience rather than
their degree of impairment. Classification will ensure that an Athlete meets
the Minimum Impairment Criteria (as detailed in each classification physical
profile) and assesses the functional impact of their impairment on sport

Principles of Classification

Classifiers utilise a sport-specific classification system developed for Boccia
that includes physical, technical and observation components.

Classification in Boccia is composed of three distinct parts:
1. Physical assessment or Bench testing
2. Technical assessment including a range of sport specific tests and non-

sport tests, and
3. Observation assessment consisting of observation of sport-specific
activities on court and during competition.

Allocation of sport class is based on types of impairment associated with
Neuromuscular, Central Nervous system and musculoskeletal conditions,
such as coordination, muscle power and limb deformities, and severity of
impairments affecting fundamental activities related to the sport,
independent of skill level or athlete training.

2.2 Classification Personnel
The following personnel have a key role in the process of Classification:

Head of Classification

The Head of Classification (HOC) is the person that is responsible for the
direction, administration, coordination and implementation of classification
matters for BISFed.

Chief Classifier

The Chief Classifier will be a Classifier responsible for the direction,
administration, co-ordination and implementation of classification matters
for a specific BISFed Competition.

BISFed Classification Rules – 3rd Edition, Jan 2017


A Classifier is a person authorised as a technical official by BISFed to
evaluate Athletes for a sanctioned competition, while serving as a member
of a classification panel.

Classification Panel

A Classification Panel is a group of 2-3 Classifiers, appointed by BISFed for
a particular Competition, to determine Sport Class and Sport Class Status.
The panel will generally consist of a Physiotherapist and a physician and/or
sports technical expert.

2.3 National Classifications
All Athletes eligible to participate in BOCCIA should receive an initial
classification from their National Federation. Classification should be
conducted in accordance with the guidelines set out in the BISFed
Classification and Sport Profiles, and, in particular, National Classifiers
should be trained according to BISFed Classification Rules.
2.4 International Classification at Sanctioned

2.4.1 “International Classification” refers to the process of classification
that is undertaken at, or before, a BISFed sanctioned international
Competition. It is required before an Athlete may compete at such
an event.

International Classifications must be carried out by a BISFed
accredited and appointed multidisciplinary panel comprised of a
Physiotherapist together with a physician (ideally specialising in
Rehabilitation or Neurology) and/or a sports Technical expert.

Members of Classification Panels should have no significant
relationship with an Athlete (or a member of Athlete Support
Personnel) that might create any actual or perceived bias or
Conflict of Interest, and have no involvement with any decision
being protested or appealed. Should conflict arise the parties
concerned should raise these with the Chief Classifier. Members of
a Classification Panel should not have any other official
responsibilities within a Competition other than in connection with
BISFed Classification Rules – 3rd Edition, Jan 2017
2.4.4 A major Competition should have two (2) Classification Panels and
one Chief Classifier.

At the discretion of the Head of Classification, one Classification
Panel of 3 classifiers may be deemed sufficient for smaller
Competitions. If one Classification Panel only is present, no
Protests will be dealt with and nations will be notified of this in
initial entry information.

At smaller Competitions, the Chief Classifier may also act as a

7dequate time must be allocated at the beginning of a
Competition for Athlete Evaluation. At major events, a minimum
of two (2) full days is recommended, depending on the number of
Athletes to be classified.
2.5 Classification: Scheduling, Substitutions and

2.5.1 The Head of Classification (HOC) appoints a Chief Classifier (CC)
for the event, ideally at least three (3) months prior to a
Competition. Classification Panels are to be appointed two (2)
months before the event.

The HOC may also act as the Chief Classifier at a Competition.
The HOC and the Chief Classifier are to work with the Local
Organising Committee (LOC) for the Competition to prepare
Athlete lists. A minimum of four (4) weeks prior to the first day of
the Competition must be allowed for Athletes names to be
submitted to the HOC.

The Chief Classifier should provide the LOC and National
Federation teams with a classification evaluation schedule on or
before their arrival at the Competition. After that time, any
substitutions must be approved by the Chief Classifier and
Technical Delegate for the Sport.

2.6 Classification: Athlete Evaluation
“Athlete Evaluation” is the process, conducted in English, by which an
Athlete is assessed so as to determine both Sport Class, and Sport Class

It is the responsibility of the National Federation/Team Manager
to ensure that the Athlete attends evaluation.
BISFed Classification Rules – 3rd Edition, Jan 2017
The Athlete must appear at Classification at the assigned time in the
appropriate attire with a recognised form of identification, such as a
passport or an ID Card.

The following matters should be noted in relation to Athlete Evaluation:

• All Athletes must sign an Informed Consent Form (which include
that the Athlete must comply with all reasonable instructions given

by a Classification Panel)

• All Athletes, by way of their National Body, must provide evidence
that establishes the existence of a Health condition that leads to an
Eligible Impairment by presenting a completed medical information

form before they may be evaluated;
• The Athlete may be videotaped for classification and education

• If an Athlete does not appear in appropriate attire they will not be

• If an Athlete has a health condition that causes pain which limits or
prohibits full effort during evaluation, they will not be evaluated at
that time. The Chief Classifier may, time permitting, re-schedule the

• The Athlete must provide information to the panel regarding impair-
ment, medication, medical device/implant and any surgery that
affects sport performance. If an Athlete has an unusual or
complicated impairment, it is required that the Athlete brings
information about the impairment written in English. Athletes must
present a full list of medications to the Classification Panel.
• A Classification Panel undertaking Athlete Evaluation may at any
stage seek additional medical and technical information, with the
agreement of the Head of Classification and/or Chief Classifier if
necessary to allocate a Sport Class.
• The Athlete must present with all necessary sports equipment that
they use at Competition such as ramps, pointers and gloves or

• Athletes may have one person (and, if required, an interpreter
arranged by the National Body) to accompany them at the
evaluation. This person should have an understanding of the
Athlete's impairment and sport performance. If needed, the person
may be asked by the Classifiers to assist with communication. If
the Athlete is a minor, that Athlete must be accompanied by a
member of the respective National body.
• If an Athlete has a seizure disorder which is a secondary
characteristic of cerebral palsy or traumatic brain injury, they will be
permitted to compete provided that the condition is controlled.

BISFed Classification Rules – 3rd Edition, Jan 2017
2.7 Classification: Athlete Evaluation Process
The Athlete Evaluation must take place in a manner that respects the
provision of the International standard for Classification Data Protection
and consistent with the provisions of the International Standard for
Classification Personnel and Training.

The Athlete Evaluation process shall encompass the following:

2.7.1 Physical Assessment

The Classification Panel will commence by gathering information on the
athlete’s medical background and history in the sport. The panel will then
conduct a physical assessment of the Athlete in accordance with methods
of assessment stipulated in the Classification Rules of BISFed.

The physical assessment may include, but is not limited to the exami-
nation by the Medical members of the Classification Panel (Doctor,

Classifiers must be confident that the Athlete has performed to the best
of his/her capacity during the Physical assessment.

2.7.2 Technical Assessment

The technical assessment may include, but is not limited to, evaluation in
a non-competitive environment of the specific tasks and activities that are
part of the sport in which the Athlete participates.

Classifiers may apply certain conditions to the Athlete in order to observe
how the Athlete performs the activity under simulated sport conditions.

Classifiers must be confident that the Athlete has performed to the best
of his/her capacity during the technical assessment.

2.7.3 Classification in Competition
The Classification Panel will observe the Athlete performing the specific
skills that are part of the sport during training practice, in an event and/or
during pool play (i.e. prior to elimination/knockout stages).

Classification in Competition shall not be deemed to have been completed
until the Classification panel has observed the Athlete sufficiently during
competition. If for any reason the Classification panel is not satisfied with
observations at a specific competition, the athlete may enter the next
competition with a Competition Review Status (CRS) and will be observed
at the next BISFed sanctioned event.
BISFed Classification Rules – 3rd Edition, Jan 2017

2.7.4 Completion of Athlete Evaluation

Athlete Evaluation will be deemed to have been completed once the
matters referred to in 2.7.1, 2.7.2 and 2.7.3 above have been
completed to the satisfaction of the Classification Panel.

If Athlete Evaluation is not deemed by the Classification Panel to have
been completed, the Athlete will not be given a Sport Class, and will not
be eligible to participate in any part of the relevant Competition.

2.7.5 Data protection

All Classification data such as Personal Information and/or Sensitive
Personal Information provided by an Athlete and/or a National Body
and/or a Third Party to the Classification panel and collected by the
Classification panel through assessments, Video footage and/or
photography taken that the Athlete consented to will be processed in
order to allocate a Sports Class.
The data processed will be accurate, complete and kept up-to-date in a
secured BISFed database.
Individual Classifiers may only use the Classification data collected during
the classification process including video and photographs, notes,
comments or records written in connection with the role as a classifier on
the panel and may not retain or disclose any of the Classification data
after Athlete Evaluation is completed.

Classifiers is allowed to publish any video or photograph,
obtained during or after the classification process, on any form
of social media no matter what the purpose or intention are.

Video footage and/or photography may be utilised by the
Classification Panel for all classification purposes connected to
the Competition and if the athlete consented, used for training

2.8 Classification: Sport Class and Sport Class Status

2.8.1 Sport Class

A Sport Class is a category in which Athletes are categorized by reference
to an Activity Limitation resulting from impairment, and the degree to
which that impairment impacts upon sport performance. A range of
function will exist within each Sport Class.

Boccia Classification Rules 3rd Edition 2017

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