Transcript text content of a PDF document Info pack - Тolerance.pdf:
´Understanding Tolerance
Diversity, Equality, Unityµ
19.03.2018 ² 28.03.2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
Youth Workers Training Course
Info pack for applicants
January 2018, Sofia Bulgaria
The essential information:
Dates of the training: 19.03.2018 ² 28.03.2018
Dates for travel: 18.03.2018 (arrival) ² 29.03.2018 (departure)
Please note that the organizers will not provide any additional accommodation
outside the dates of the exchange! If you wish to travel on other dates than the
dates of the exchange, please take contact with the organizers before purchasing
your tickets!
Please plan your trip carefully: in case your travel dates are different than the
ones above mentioned, the organizers might not be able to reimburse you!!
Venue: Sofia, Bulgaria
This training course is for participants from Erasmus+
partner countries as follows:
Armenia, Albania, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Greece, Georgia,
Italy, Lithuania, Latvia, Turkey.
Language: English
Coordinator: Education 21st Century Foundation
Contact for questions: Katya Arnaudova
Tel: 359 894 46 76 94
The project:
In recent years, political, economic and social decisions have become more and
more relevant in terms of integration processes. The countries hosting immigrants,
have great expectations for the opportunities of education to help the integration
of people from different ethnic groups, social strata, races and others. The non-
governmental sector needs to be actively involved in activities that facilitate the
process of work in the multicultural environment through the non-formal learning
The aim of the project is also to equip youth workers with competences QG
methods which will help them to promote better understanding QGUHVSHFWamong
people coPLQJ IURP GLIIHUHQW UHV ZLWKdifferent backgrounds. Using these
competences youth workers can help to prevent the violent UGLFOL]WLRQ QG
[HQRSKRELLQEuropean society. It encourages young people to acquire critical
analysis skills on how they can understand the solidarity and respect for human
rights, in the economic and political uncertainty context today. Participants also
will be invited to develop innovative proposals for the integration policies of the
EU's foreign population. The methodology will be based on non-formal learning
and education, using group dynamics, role games, moments of group reflection,
etc. The training course will involve partners from 11 different countries, some of
which are EU members states, some of them-not, which will allow the exchange of
experience and expertise on the topic of the course within different geographical
and economic realities.
Among the mandatory criteria for selection of participants, is each of the youth
workers to show personal interest in working with young people and developing
new competences and skills.
Another two mandatory criteria are the level of personal motivation and the
willingness and ability of the applicants to disseminate the project results after
completion of the mobility. Special attention will be paid to participants who are
part of a disadvantaged group and have a strong desire and motivation to change
attitudes of society through their work to provide new opportunities to their
friends, acquaintances, family members of the local community by becoming
mediators, trainers, leaders and role models for young people in the region.
x For the project, each partner organisation should send the
following number of participants:
ƒ Albania ² 3
ƒ Armenia - 3
ƒ Czech Republic - 4
ƒ Croatia - 3
ƒ Greece - 4
ƒ Georgia - 3
ƒ Italy - 4
ƒ Lithuania - 3
ƒ Latvia - 3
ƒ Turkey ² 3
x The national groups should have both male and female
x The SDUWLFLSDQW·V age should be above 18 ² no upper age limit.
Each organization partner must to select participants and prepare
their groups.
Capital and largest city: Sofia
Official languages: Bulgarian
Official script: Cyrillic
Currency: Lev (BGN)
1.956 BGN = 1 EUR
Time zone: EET (UTC+2)
Summer (DST): EEST (UTC+3)
Drives on the: right
Calling code: +359
Bulgaria is located in Southeast Europe, in the northeast part of the Balkan
Peninsula. It is situated closer to the Equator than the pole. It falls within the
southern part of the temperate climate zone with subtropical influence. Its
location on the transition line between two climate zones influences the climate,
soils, vegetation and animal species. All of them are characterized by great
GLYHUVLW\7KHFRXQWU\·VJHRJUDSKLFSRVLWLRn angle of sunlight that falls on the
country, making the country predominantly sunny.
Winter (Dec ² Feb)
Temperatures fall rapidly in
autumn, and snow is common over
much of the country in winter. Many
coastal resorts close down
completely, but the ski resorts are in
full swing between December and
Spring ² Autumn (Apr²May) (Sept-Oct)
Spring and Autumn are great time to visit Bulgaria. The weather is warm,
though evenings may still be chilly. All the sights and attractions are open again
after winter, and there are fewer tourists around. September is also pleasant.
Summer (Jun²Aug)
Expect high temperatures, bright sunny days and warm evenings throughout
Bulgaria during high season. The Black Sea coast, especially, is at its busiest and
most expensive at this time.
Mountains & Forests
With no fewer than seven diverse mountain ranges criss-crossing the country,
Bulgaria is a true haven for hikers, mountaineers and anyone interested in
wildlife and the great outdoors. An extensive system of hiking trails and huts
makes it easy for walkers to enjoy the country's rich and varied landscapes.
Unspoiled alpine forests, lakes, waterfalls and bubbling streams are all there to
explore; bears, lynx and wolves still roam and activities from skiing and
snowshoeing to caving and kayaking are all available.
Black Sea Beaches:
It isn't hard to see why so many foreign ² and Bulgarian ² holidaymakers
descend on the Black Sea coastline each summer. The long, professionally
maintained sandy beaches at the big resorts are the equal of some of the most
popular Mediterranean destinations, and, if you just want to relax, top up your
tan or try out some water sports, there's nowhere better. Away from the parasols
and jet skis you'll find smaller, more traditional seaside towns ideal for young
families, as well as ancient settlements with cobbled lanes, quaint wooden houses
and long, fascinating histories. Even the coast's two big cities, Varna and Burgas,
have attractive beaches within minutes of their busy urban hearts.
Public transport tickets: 1.60 BGN (in Sofia), around 1BGN in other cities
Water: safe and drinkable
At present, the city has a population of 1,250,000.
Sofia is located in the western part of the country, on The Sofia Plain and on the
continental characterized by cold winters and relatively cool summers.
2QHRI(XURSH·V\Rungest capitals, Sofia a settlements, stretching back several
millennia from ancient Thracian and Celtic tribes through the Romans, Slavs
and Serdica. Some excavation sites are now open to the public. Sofia offers a
wealth of other historical and cultural attractions from Roman times to the
present day. This impressive heritage lends the city a highbrow historical
element to accompany the great food, drink and party vibe Sofia has always been
known for.
As bulldozers worked to lay rail, they unearthed whole streets, intact houses,
baths and churches dating back almost 2000 years when Sofia was a Roman
provincial capital, Sofia, in the Vitosha, Lozen, and Stara Planina (Central
Balkan) Mountains, over the centuries so many monasteries have been founded
WKDWWKH\FDPHWREHNQRZQDVLQ6RILD·VOpportunities for sport and recreation
in the capital are many and varied ² outdoor swimming pools, tennis courts,
modern gymnasiums and sports halls, and parks.
Like every big city, Sofia has something for every taste. There are a great many
luxury hotels, including those that are part of international hotel chains. There is
also a wide variety of hostels and smaller family guesthouses. There are a
multitude of restaurants, bars, piano bars, parks, museums, theatres and many
other kinds of entertainment.
Info pack Тolerance
PDF file: Info pack - Тolerance.pdf