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BISFed Equipment and Ball Check Procedures (1)

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BISFed Equipment and Ball Check Procedures

Ball Roll Test

The ball roll test will be performed as specified in Rule The actual procedure for complying with this rule will be
as follows:
1. The Athlete/Sport Assistant/or Coach may roll the ball before placing the ball in the ITOs cupped hand. Note:
Once the ball is given to the ITO, the ball will not be rolled again.
2. The ITO will take the ball placed in her/his cupped hand and in a smooth and gentle way, turn your cupped hand
over to place the ball on the top of the ramp with your fingers pointed down.
3. The free hand DOES NOT touch the ball or the ball roll test device.
4. The ITO will open their fingers, allowing the ball to roll down the ramp by the weight of the ball.

5. If the ball passes on the first (1

) attempt, the second (2

) and third (3
) attempts are not needed.

6. If the ball fails the first (1

) or second (2
) attempt of the roll test, the ITO will use the same hand she/he
received the ball in to gently pick up the ball in their fingers and replace the ball at the top of the ramp,
following the procedures above.
7. If the ball fails the Ball Roll Test, the Head Referee nor the Assistant Head Referee will reattempt the test unless
it is found the ITO did not follow the correct roll test procedures.
8. A ball that fails the Ball Roll Test will be taken, placed in a clear plastic bag and labelled with the athlete’s
number and country. A written documentation should be made on a Ball Roll Test sheet under the athlete’s
name, number, and country.
9. A larger bag should be labelled with the country’s name. This bag is used to place all failed balls from that
country into the bag.
*** Refer to the Ball Roll Test procedure videos for the correct procedures.

all Circumference Test
The ball circumference test will be performed as follows:
Small Hole of the Circumference Template:
1. The ball will gently be picked up by the ITOs fingers and placed on the small hole of the circumference
2. The ITO will gently lift and turn the ball in two (2) additional directions (placing the ball on the template

counts as the 1
attempt plus 2 additional turns.
3. The ball must pass two (2) of the three (3) turns without falling through the small hole of the template.

4. If the ball passes the first (1

) and second (2
) turns, the ball will not be turned a third (3
) time.

5. If the ball passes the first (1
) turn, falls through the hole on the second (2

) turn but passes the third (3
turn, the ball passes.
6. If the ball fails the Small Hole of the Circumference Test, the Head Referee nor the Assistant Head Referee
will reattempt the test unless it is found the ITO did not follow the correct circumference test procedures.
7. A ball that fails the Ball Small Hole Circumference Test, the ball will be taken, placed in a clear plastic bag
and labelled with the athlete’s number and country. A written documentation should be made on a Ball
Circumference Test sheet under the athlete’s name, number, and country.
8. A larger bag should be labelled with the country’s name. This bag is used to place all failed balls from that
country into the bag.

Large Hole of the Circumference Template:
1. The ITO should place her/his free hand under the large hole of the circumference template to catch the ball as it
falls through the large hole.
2. The ball will gently be picked up by the ITOs fingers and placed on the large hole of the circumference template.
3. The ball should fall through the large hole under its own weight.
4. If the ball falls through the large hole on the first (1
) attempt, the ball passes.

5. If the ball fails the first (1
) attempt, the ITO will turn the ball as she/he picks up the ball and gently replace the
ball on the large hole of the template. If the ball fails the second (2

) attempt, the ITO will repeat this
procedure to allow the athlete three (3) attempts for the ball to pass the Large Hole Circumference Test.
6. If the ball fails the Large Hole Circumference Test, the Head Referee nor the Assistant Head Referee will
reattempt the test unless it is found the ITO did not follow the correct roll test procedures.
7. A ball that fails the Large Hole Circumference Test, the ball will be taken, placed in a clear plastic bag and
labelled with the athlete’s number and country. A written documentation should be made on a Ball
Circumference Test sheet under the athlete’s name, number, and country.
8. A larger bag should be labelled with the country’s name. This bag is used to place all failed balls from that
country into the bag.
*** Refer to the Ball Circumference Test procedure videos for the correct procedures.

Assistive Devices Test (Ramp Test)
The ITO will follow the procedures as stated in Rule 5
1. The Athlete/Sport Assistant/or Coach will fully extend all adjustable pieces (such as the base, ramp support, and
attachments that fit together).
2. The Athlete/Sport Assistant/or Coach will lay the ramp on its side to see if it fits within the 2.5m x 1 m box.
3. If the ramp fits diagonally from corner to corner of the box but if the ramp can be moved upward from 0 - 90
degree angles, the ramp must be measured and fit into the box in these positions. This is to ensure there isn’t
an unfair advantage for an athlete to use a longer ramp.
4. The athlete must place all attachments that will fit together on the ramp for the measurement, regardless if the
athlete plays with all of the attachments at the same time. ** If the athlete doesn’t play with all of the extra
ramp pieces attached together, then all of the pieces should not fit together. Please refer to Rule 5.1.
5. Ramps that pass the ramp test should have a sticker placed on each piece of the ramp on the right side of the
ramp (athlete’s right side as they use the ramp, the ITO’s left side as they are standing at the bottom of the
upright ramp).
6. Since ramps can move in complex directions, if the ITO is in doubt, the ITO should call the Head Referee or
Assistant Head Referee for assistance.
7. A ramp that fails should be noted on the Ramp sheet. If the athlete makes adjustments to the ramp, the ramp
must be measured again before it will be permitted to be used in competition.
*** Refer to the Ramp Test photos and videos for the correct procedures

Photo #1 Assistive Devices Test: This ramp fits in the box with the support bar tightened at this height …

Photo #2 Assistive Devices Test: However, when the support bar is completely extended as stated in Rule
5.1, the ramp is not legal. The support bar must be cut so the ramp may not fully extend which would make
this ramp illegal.

Wheelchair Height Test
The ITO will follow the procedures as stated in Rule 6.1.
1. The buttocks is the back of the hip that forms the fleshy parts on which a person sits.
2. The ITO will measure 66 cm from the ground to the lowest point of where the athlete’s buttock is in contact
with the seat cushion.
3. If the ITO is unable to see where the buttock is in contact with the seat cushion due to a visual obstruction, the
ITO will take their measuring device and measure on the inside of the visual obstruction from the top of the
cushion by the athlete’s buttock to the top of visual obstruction. Measure from the floor to the top of the visual
obstruction and subtract measurement from the top of the cushion to the top of the visual obstruction. (Please

refer to the diagram below)
4. If the athlete has a different body part in contact with the cushion other than their buttocks while playing such
as their knees, belly, etc., the athlete will a) need to present documentation from the classifiers to permit this
playing position, and b) the wheelchair height will be measured from the lowest point where the body part
comes in contact with the seat cushion. Please note, the athlete may not raise their body up on their knees
when playing if they play from their knees. Please refer to the Rules 10.9.1 and 15.6.3
5. Remember, if the athlete’s wheelchair is capable of moving up and down, the athlete’s wheelchair may be
measured by the ITO during a match if it is thought to be too high.

BISFed Equipment and Ball Check Procedures (1)

PDF file: BISFed-Equipment-and-Ball-Check-Procedures (1).pdf


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