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Competition System Proposal

2017 - 2020

Competition Committee

January 2016


The aim of this document is to present the recommendations of the BISFed Competition
Committee for the 2017 to 2020 quadrennial.
The Competition Committee has attempted to build on the significant amount of
experience gained over the last four years regarding what an effective competition
system should look like. By applying what we have learned the Committee believes
BISFed can develop an even more effective competition system for the 2017 to 2020
cycle. The recommendations in this document are based on: input from consultation
with BISFed Members; the reflections of the Competition Committee; and direction
provided by the BISFed Board.
This document explains the key objectives of a revised Competition System and
strategies and tactics for the competition system over the next four years. The
operational detail (e.g. a revised World Ranking System) will be determined by the
Committee once the system has been agreed by the BISFed Board.

Executive Summary

The BISFed Competition Committee recommends that:

1.A revised competition pathway is adopted which:
i.increases the supply of competition opportunities at different levels of ability

and experience

ii.adds a Regional Open event tier
2.An improved competition experience is created by establishing a standard
competition season and by implementing more effective competition formats
3.A more robust and sustainable competition system is developed through a host
nation grading system, supported by infrastructure and workforce development
4.A revised world ranking system is developed as part of a review that aims to simplify
the existing competition rules and regulations

Competition System Review

The Committee believes that a number of strengths of the 2013 to 2016 Competition
System should be retained and developed for the 2017 to 2020 quadrennial:

attraction of new member nations attending competition events

an increase in the number of nations able and willing to host competitions

A dramatic increase in the number of events held in the quadrennial

the success of introducing a new type of competition event (i.e. World Open)

the operation of a tiered competition system

offering direct qualification slots to the Paralympic Games

an increase in the number of Technical Officials able to officiate at events

introduction of an improved world ranking system

revised and improved competition rules and regulations

Competition System Review

Areas to Improve
There are also a number of areas where the Committee believes improvements are
possible, including:

a clearer pathway for athletes to progress from grass roots to podium

more opportunity for athletes to compete at a level appropriate for their level of


a better defined competition season

matching the capacity of organising committees to the demand for entries as far as


creating better consistency between event formats and the experience for athletes

who attend

allocating points more appropriately within the world ranking system

simplifying the rules and regulations governing competitions

Vision & Mission

The vision for the BISFed Competition System is:
to create an inclusive, progressive and dynamic
competition system that enables every athlete to achieve

their competitive potential

The mission for the BISFed Competition System is:
to develop an effective competition pathway that
provides frequent, high quality competition opportunities


The strategic objectives defined below will enable the BISFed Competition System to
make the required progress that will enable the vision and mission to be achieved.
Each objective is equally important to the success of the 2017 to 2020 competition

-Competition Pathway: create a competition pathway that describes how an
emerging athlete would progress through the competition system
-Competition Experience: create a standardised, athlete-focused competition
experience that is delivered at every BISFed competition
-System Development: audit, categorise and support member nations to develop
their competition infrastructure and workforce in order to host BISFed competitions
-Rules & Regulations: create a simple, clear and effective governance system to

underpin the competition system

Competition Pathway

Objective: create a competition pathway that describes how an emerging athlete
would progress through the competition system

Recommended Actions:

create a new event type, a Regional Open, to provide appropriate within-region
competition for emerging athletes and nations

provide a result-based qualification route from a Regional Open in to a World Open
(e.g. 1st to 5th places in a Regional Open could gain direct entry for a World Open)

provide more regional opportunities for direct qualification into World and

Paralympic level competitions

schedule Regional Opens early in the competitive season to allow an athlete or
nation the opportunity to develop and progress within a single season

align Regional Open status to existing IPC / regional events to capture more
member nations and provide appropriate competition opportunities

Competition Experience

Objective: create a standardised, athlete-focused competition experience that is

delivered at every BISFed competition

Recommended Actions:

create a competition season which starts on 1st March and finishes on 31st October

create a major competition phase which starts on 1st July each year

align competitions to the season structure and organise centrally to avoid
overlapping competitions and ensure the world rankings can be regularly updated

standardise the minimum recovery time between matches for an athlete

standardise the maximum number of matches per day for an athlete

ensure there are adequate warm-up courts at every competition

revise the warm-up and call room procedures to facilitate an athlete-centred
approach to pre-match preparation for all competitions

System Development

Objective: audit, categorise and support member nations to develop their competition
infrastructure and workforce in order to host BISFed competitions

Recommended Actions:

develop an effective competition management system which makes the best use
of data and technology to increase the efficiency of running a competition

audit and certify a member nation’s capacity to host a specific type of event
(i.e. Grade A = 160 athletes; Grade B = 120; Grade C = 80; Grade D = 40)

align learning and development activities to support a nation to achieve the
minimum standard for their targeted grade

award events, particular World or Regional Opens, for an extended period of

between two (2) to four (4) years

partner with member nations who could collaborate to run an event by splitting the
events equally between each nation (e.g. separate Team / Pairs from Individual)

Soutěžní systém finál

PDF file: Soutěžní systém - finál.pdf

Competition System Proposal 2017 - 2020


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