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Youth exchange Liepaja

Youth exchange Liepaja
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outh exchange

5th - 15th March


Liepaja, Latvia






Czech Republic

- EU's programme
- Supports education, training, youth and sport in Europe
- Gives opportunities to study, train, gain experience, and volunteer abroad

- Lasts untill 2020
Objectives of the program:
Specific issues tackled by the program include:
-Reducing unemployment, especially among young people
- Promoting adult learning as required by the labour market
- Encouraging young people to take part in European democracy
- Supporting innovation, cooperation and reform

- Reducing early school leaving
- Promoting cooperation and mobility with the EU's partner countries
For more information, visit:

Youth exchange brings young people from different countries
and cultures together, providing them with marvelous
opportunity to get new skills, knowledge and experiences. Also
to learn about others countries and cultures, expend
professional and personal horizons. And make a new step into
the global citizenship.
Who can participate?
You! Everyone ages from 13 to 30. To be a group leader in
a Youth exchange, you must be at least 18 years old.
How to apply?
Go to Facebook and search for groups connected with
Erasmus+ Youth exchange. Follow links and fill the application
form. If you need help in finding a suitable Erasmus+ Youth
exchange or have any questions, the Erasmus+ National
Agency in your country will assist you.
The European Youth Portal also provides information and
opportunities for young people.

Youth Exchange

- An educative, innovative and

practice-driven program KA1 for

professional youth workers

(teachers, trainers, …) able to

improve your skills and


- Required age: 18+

- Costs are 100% covered by EU

(Erasmus+ grand – travel,

accomodation, food)

Training Course

Volunteering activities
Volunteering is an altruistic activity where you provide services for no
financial or social gain "to benefit another person, group or organization".
Idea: make the world a better place to live in
Benefits: - experience that helps you get a job (you can put our voluntary

activity on CV)

- meet new people

- positive emotions

- developmnet of yourself

- intercultuar learning

- usefull knowledge

EVENTS: International vol day

Global youth service day

World kidness day

People say that small help is better than big compassion and volunteering
proves it!

Communication in the mother tongue

Communication in foreign languages
Mathematical competence, basic competences


Digital competence

Learning to learn

Social and civic competences
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship

Cultural awareness and expression

As result of successful participation in Erasmus+ activities, you
can receive document named “Youthpass”. Youthpass is the tool,
process and strategy for recognition of non-formal learning
within Erasmus+ programme, which is based on reflection and
dialogue about learning. Youthpass certificates are available for:

Youth Exchanges

European Voluntary Service

Mobility of Youth Workers

Transnational Cooperation


Structured Dialogue meetings
In that document, you can find what you have done during the
project and what you have learned. This tool to systemise your
achievements usually consists of following parts:

- Get an objective assessment
Check out on internet websites about personality tests in order to
understand your inclinations.

Example : 16personalites.com

- Character writing exercises
Write down specific questions to able to answer to the like it's an
other person asking. This way you can be objective.

- Evaluate strengths and weaknesses
To compare your perception with your strengths and weaknesses
compared to the ones of other people close to you identify

- Examine your priorities
Compare your priorities to the ones of people you respect. Think what
conclusions they say about you.

- Look at how you have changed
Look at your past and evaluate your change over time. Consider how

and why you talk about yourself
The opinion you have about you is very important. Be careful with it
-don't try to forget about your past when it causes you unpleasant
emotions. Remembering will help you change what you did wrong and
not to repeat it.
- Look at the way you react in bad situations.
When there is a tough situation the most hidden and restrained parts
of your character tent to come out. Try to understand why and
analyse them.
It's like constantly running while looking at others but we need to
stop from times to times to look at the mirror.




Hard working


Studies and personal




Not able to afford your





Economic crisis

Corruption of the political


Family problems
A tool that can be used by people and companies to help you
or your company make decisions about your future actions
and discover your competitive advantage.SWOT analysis
Strenghts and weaknesses → internal factors - these factors depend
only on you (personal skills, education, character, etc)
Opportunities and treats → external factors - factors that are not
determined by us but affect us in our decision and actious (political,

economics situation, etc)

You can always go back to your swot analysis and make any changes
you want. For example, you can try to eliminate your weaknesses and
turn them into strengths. Aslo, always try to make good use of the
opportunities you are offered. Finally, this evaluation helps you be more
prepared to face any threats that may come in your way.

Youth exchange Liepaja

PDF file: English (1).pdf



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