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Jak na treat bag

Jak na treat bag
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Jak ušít pamlskovník pro psa
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Keywords: Jak na treat bag:
pamlskovník, pes, psí, treat bag, dog training treat bag,
pamlskovník na výcvik psa
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September 25, 2019

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Transcript text content of a PDF document Jak na treat bag.pdf:

Honák USS

How to: dog training treat bag
I am a beginner, so this is going to be a very easy treat bag, just sewed together to hold for a bit. I am using a very old machine my mom gave me to practice on five years ago and until now pretty much all I sewed on it were dog collars k and even those I could not keep very straight. So bare with me
and I am sorry for how rustic and handmade this all looks like ;)
Even though it is simply made, I wanted the treat bag to be functional
and practical. I used spring softshell for the main peace, regular cotton fabric
for the lining, a piece of nice printed winter softshell for the treat part and a
waterproof PUL fabric for the lining of the treat part.

Pattern and cutting your fabric:
The pattern fits on the folded A4 paper, I am sorry, I don´t have a scanner at
home, so I just took pictures of the pattern. All measurements are provided so
you should be able to recreate the pattern at home easily.

Honák USS

Next, you need to cut your pieces. Start with the main panel (spring
softshell), fold it over and mark your pattern on the wrong side, including the
zipper pocket k don´t forget to add seam allowance. Do the same with the
lining piece. If you wonder how to keep the zippers in the right place, just do it

Honák USS

like me to make it simple: mark the outside fabric on the wrong side, but with
your lining fabric, face the right side up k it will be stitched later, so it doesn´t
really matter and won´t show. This way, the openings for the zippers (which you
can cut right now) will be placed in the right spot for both fabric to fit

Next cut the treat part: add your usual seam allowance to the bottom,
but to the top, I like to add 2 cms to both fabrics. The waterproff lining fabric
you can mark on the right side k the chalk will wear of, and you need to see
your middle. Also make sure you mark your folds on your lining.

Sewing the zipper:
I like to start with the hardest parts. I was sure I would not be able to wing
the zipper with the first sew, so I had to make it in steps. First I sewed the
zipper to the cotton lining of the main pocket. I am right-handed, so I was sure
I would be wearing the bag on my right hip, to easily distribute treats with my
right hand. Therefore I also wanted the zipper to open from front to back for
more convenience. If you want the same scheme, sew the zipper to the lining

Honák USS

like I did. If you wish it differently, just think on it before sewing and flip the
zipper to the other side.

After you have secured the zipper to your lining, pin the main fabric on
top and sew. This way you will get nicely sewed on the zipper on the top (if you
are not me, lol).

Honák USS

Treat part of the bag:
For the treat part, I just pinned the two panels wrong sides together, and
basted as close to the top as possible, to secure them together.

Then fold the pocket in half (right sides together) and find your middle line k so
it is nice and even. When making your holes remember to place them under the
line which marks your pocket´s height k you want those two centimetres you
added to fold over and create a tunnel for your rubber.

Then hammer on your eyelets k I used regular eyelets I found in the local fabric

Honák USS

Then I sewed the tunnel k some people prefer to first add their rubber, but I
find that the treat pocket is pretty short, so it is ok to first sew my tunnel
and then feed the rubber through.

,Now that you are done with the upper part, find your fold marks and fold the
treat part and pin. Make sure it fits nicely to the main panel. To fit it to the
main panel, you also need to adjust the rubber k pull it out of the tunnel a bit
to fit the treat part to the rest of the bag. And pin the sides k a little away
from the border, so you can sew around. You can also pull some part of the
rubber through your stopper k so if you wish, you could open the treat pouch
up a bit more. Then I like to baste the treat part k to make sure I catch my
rubber and it stays in place, and to secure my folds.

Honák USS

Sewing the treat bag together:
Personally, I first pinned the treat part to the main and sewed around, then cut
off the excess fabric. I was afraid I would not be able to pin all layers nicely

After this is done, go ahead and prepare your strap. I already mentioned I am
right-handed and I like to wear it on the right, I also like to close the buckle with
my right hand holding the bag so I sewed one half of the buckle close to the

Jak na treat bag

PDF file: Jak na treat bag.pdf


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